Restoring Habitats in the Deschutes Basin

For more than 40 years, dams significantly altered the natural ecosystem in the Deschutes, cutting off native salmon and steelhead populations in the Upper Deschutes and changing temperatures in the Lower Deschutes. Today, we are working with the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, scientists, and an active group of regional partners who make up the Fish Committee on a long-term vision to restore a healthy Deschutes Basin.

  • Pelton Round Butte Fund

    We fund habitat conservation, fish passage and water quality projects on the Deschutes basin. Apply for funding here.

  • Pacific Lamprey Fund

    They might be ugly, but we love the lamprey too. Learn about our efforts to enhance and identify Pacific lamprey habitats in the Lower Deschutes Basin.

  • Metolius Mule Deer Winter Range

    Mule deer and other wildlife rely on the Metolius Mule Deer Winter Range for food and shelter. We’re making sure they can thrive during the coldest months of the year.

  • Shoreline Management

    Find information about how we manage competing uses on the shores of Lake Billy Chinook.