Time of Use

Are you a small business customer and a night owl? You could save with Time of Use.

Small business customers

Enrollment in Time of Use is closed to residential customers, but still open for small business customers. If you’re a small business that uses most of your electricity at night or on weekends, or you charge an electric vehicle overnight, this plan may lower your electricity costs.

You pay different rates for electricity you use depending on the time of day, day of week and season. The rate is lower on nights and weekends and higher at high-demand times such as weekday mornings and evenings. If you don’t use electricity primarily on nights and weekends, you may pay more on Time of Use than on the Basic Service rate*.

Residential customers

Residential enrollment in Time of Use closed to new participants on Jan. 1, 2024 and expired for all residential participants after Dec. 31, 2024, at which time remaining participants were placed on the basic service rate.

If you are interested in controlling your energy bill by using less energy during peak times, consider Time of Day pricing. You don’t have to be a night owl to save with Time of Day.

Residential customers

Save with Time of Day

Simply use less energy during the on-peak hours of 5-9 p.m. weekdays to save. All other hours (and all day weekends) are less expensive than Basic Service pricing.

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